Bay View Parking Structure

Mountain View, California

Located in the heart of Silicon Valley, the new Bay View Parking Structure serves as the gateway for a new tech campus, hospitality and retail services. Clark Pacific is the architect of record and the general contractor on this six-level, 512,000 square feet, 1,626 stall parking structure. Clark Pacific’s Design-Build delivery on the project streamlined the project delivery process from design through construction providing a high quality, efficient parking solution for this modern campus.

The structure is partially wrapped on two sides by a prefabricated hospitality structure and the top floor hosts a photovoltaic system. The project exemplifies the value of a prefabricated single-source solution delivering schedule and cost certainty and a high quality, efficient structure.

An efficient design of the parking structure was particularly important in the client achieving the program goals of the integrated hospitality component given a limited amount of land for these two construction projects.


Facts and Figures

State: CA

City: Mountain View

Building Type: Parking Structure

Square Feet: 512,000

Year Completed: 2021



Planetary Ventures

Architect of Record

General Contractor

Structural Engineer


Architect of Record, General Contractor, Parking

Through collaborative design, advanced manufacturing and efficient construction, we transform the way buildings are delivered. Our people are paving the way for prefabrication as a smarter, safer and more efficient way to bring great designs to life, while reducing risk and providing owners with cost, schedule and scope certainty.

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