Clark Pacific’s Approach To Sustainability
Our sustainability plan embodies considerations for our impact on people, the environment, and the economy. At Clark Pacific we understand that sustainability requires a holistic approach throughout everything we do. Because we are a company that believes in being a force for good, Clark Pacific will also lead sustainability efforts by doing so with purpose.
Prefabrication and sustainability are very interdependent, and you are most likely to achieve a sustainable building when the sustainability goals are designed into the product.
Geene Alhady
President, Clark Pacific
How We Demonstrate Sustainability Everyday
Zero waste operations
Our facilities drive toward zero waste by responsibly diverting 100% of metal, wood and concrete scraps from landfill.
Renewable energy-powered operations
100% of our electricity is sourced from a 2MW solar farm expansion and renewable grid procurement in Woodland, CA, with a 1MW farm planned for Adelanto.
Green Fleet
In a commitment to “green our fleet”, our Woodland plant uses an Orange EV pure electric terminal tractor in place of a traditional diesel-fueled yard truck. Over its lifespan, it reduces emissions equivalent up to 2,500 tons CO2.
Buying Local
Whenever possible, local suppliers are our preference in materials acquisition, ensuring the least amount of carbon impact in transportation of materials.
Concrete Recycling
All coarse or fine concrete aggregates remaining from batch processing are reclaimed and recycled, eliminating concrete waste.
Any water not consumed in the prefabricated concrete batch process is recycled and re-used.
CARBONSHIELD™ is a unique and proprietary concrete mix developed by Clark Pacific.
CARBONSHIELD provides the same performance as traditional mixes and is standard in our structural products.
CARBONSHIELD replaces 25% of the portland cement, reducing embodied carbon by up to 20%.
community engagement - purpose
The Clark Pacific Foundation, our nonprofit 501(c)(3), supports local organizations and charities annually through community outreach. We encourage our employees to give back through volunteerism and donations.
Some notable highlights of our annual charitable contributions include: holiday hams and turkeys to local food banks, annual bike drive for Collings Teen Center in West Sacramento, the annual crab feed fundraiser for the Yolo Crisis Nursery, and our growing partnerships with countless other charities.
How Can We Help With Your Sustainability Goals?
A complete structural office building designed with occupant comfort and sustainability in mind.
A pre-engineered, multi-scope building envelope solution, with design and aesthetic flexibility.
Reduce overall project risk through improved cost and schedule certainty as well as greater supply chain controls.